Stepper Motors
For demanding positioning tasks that require a high level of accuracy, stepper motors are generally used. The name comes from the operating principle, as the stepper motors are driven by an electromagnetic field. This turns the rotor a small angle – a step – or a multiple thereof.
Robust assembly, high speed range, and exceptional performance in even the harshest environments make FAULHABER drive systems the perfect solution for demanding positioning applications. The stepper motors from FAULHABER are also characterised by a long service life and high reliability thanks to their electronic commutation (motor without brush).
They are available with a wide variety of modular servo components such as encoders, zero backlash gearheads or integrated lead screws.
Miniature Stepper Motors
Advantages of Faulhaber Stepper Motor using Precistep Technology
- Cost effective positioning drive without an encoder
- High power density
- Long operational lifetimes
- Wide operational temperature range
- Speed range up to 16 000 rpm using a current mode chopper driver
- Possibility of full step, half step and microstep operation
- Extremely low rotor inertia
- Ideally suited for micro-stepping applications
Why use a Stepper ?
- Maximum torque at standstill
- No oscillation (jitter) when stationary
- Hold its position without current (due to the detent/ residual torque)
- Highly dynamic at low speeds
- No damage when the motor is blocked / Manual overriding possible
- No drop in speed when the load fluctuates
- No need for a feedback system
DM66200H Stepper Drives
The FAULHABER DM66200H is a direct drive Stepper Motor, not only does it achieve impressive performance in terms of both speed and torque, It also operates backlash-free!
Mechanically the drive can be integrated with very limited effort since it has a relatively low weight and an extremely slim design. Thanks to minimal wear (bearing only), it is also ideal for maintenance-free continuous operation.
How it works
The DM66200H rotor runs around the opening and drives the surrounding mechanics directly without the need for a transmission. Using tried-and-tested stepper technology this drive is extremely energy-efficient and requires neither a brake nor an encoder. With a high resolution of 1.8° in full-step mode, it can execute positioning tasks precisely in open loop operation.
Torque, speed, precision
Because the moving mass of the rotor is small, speeds of up to 2000 rpm possible. A dynamic torque of up to 180 mNm can be achieved for moving large loads.
Typical Applications
DM66200H is suitable for application where cables need to be guided through the aperture or in where gases, fluids or light signals need to pass through the opening.
- Optics (e.g., for microscope stages, apertures, zoom lenses, laser beam controls, etc)
- Impellers
- Prostheses
- Robotics
As well as many different control and positioning tasks
A superior new approach for Hollow shaft solutions
Compared other hollow drive solutions the DM66200H offers the following advantages
- An aperture larger than most conventional motor solutions (up to 40mm)
- Ease of integration compared to Torque motors which are heavy and cannot achieve high speeds.
- Simpler design compared to a motor + bearing system which often require complex transmission and exhibit backlash.
- Less volume & weight compared to most hybrid steppers with reluctance technology
The DM66200H drive offers optimum speed-torque balance with minimal weight and volume.